Saturday, July 14, 2007

ads more sensible in India than US?

This had to be a blog in my corner... I thought commercialism originated in the west especially the US. If yes, why are the ads so stupid here? Every ad has someone talking about his/her experience with a product; a sad face before using the product and a happy face after using it.. where is creativity people? many of my favorite ads are for mentos or Mseal. Now how do they compare to an ad for stronger bones for middle aged women where the women stays put in a place and makes her dog do all the work.. she keeps smiling and the ad gets over when I was still expecting something interesting to come up. I do appreciate teh fact that it is an ad for medication and it is not intended to be funny but it can still be creative don't u agree?

Recent ad by camlin involving Rudali's too good. Saint gobain ads are good too.. I recently saw an ad on youtube for antiboredom campaign.. watch this

watching some indian ads on youtube just reminded me about India. need to make some calls home. seeya

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